Factory Outlet Tooling Authorized as a Premium Channel Supplier
October 1, 2015
Factory Outlet Tooling (FOT) has been authorized as a Sandvik Coromant premium channel supplier in the Dallas/Ft. Worth areas. "The main focus of Sandvik Coromant is to offer premium tooling and technical support services. This provides FOT with added solutions," said Chris Springer, President of Factory Outlet Tooling. "We are a high performance cutting tool dealership and we are very excited to show continuous improvements to our customers. Our previous indexable product offering could only take the customers so far, and our customers demand greater productivity and profitability. This is when we recognized a need to approach Sandvik Coromant for top of the line support."
"The addition of Sandvik Coromant to our company will allow us to keep helping our customers save in this tough market. Sandvik Coromant has a rigorous training program and each FOT employee will attend training just as a Sandvik Coromant application representative. This will allow FOT staff to continue to offer high performance tooling solutions and technical support in every manufacturing facility," said Springer.
For more information contact:
Factory Outlet Tooling
1633 Firman Dr. Suite 300
Richardson, TX 75081
Sandvik Coromant US
1702 Nevins Road
P.O. Box 428
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410-0428
800-SANDVIK / 201-794-5000
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