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Enhance Cybersecurity in AM Applications

Stratasys offers its ProtectAM cybersecurity solution for AM to meet the requirements of U.S. government implementations. According to the company, the approach can ultimately bring security benefits to other industries as well, helping accelerate distributed manufacturing using 3D printing.

Stratasys Ltd. has introduced a data security solution to enhance the cybersecurity of additive manufacturing (AM) as its role in government and defense applications grows larger and more mission-critical.

"The ProtectAM solution is the first in AM to use Red Hat Enterprise Linux, a leading enterprise Linux platform," said a company spokesperson. "This platform is preferred by the U.S. government to help deliver continuous information processing security in accordance with requirements contained in the applicable Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) issued by the Defense Information System Agency (DISA) of the U.S. Department of Defense."

The ProtectAM solution will initially be available for several industrial and large-format Stratasys FDM 3D printers, which are frequently used by government customers to produce end-use parts and tools for applications such as aviation and ground maintenance applications. In the future, Stratasys expects to extend ProtectAM's cybersecurity benefits to industry segments beyond government.

"The benefits of 3D printing are clear, including getting critical products wherever they are needed, with maximum speed and minimal cost, all while extending the lifespan of existing assets to save taxpayer dollars," said Dick Anderson, Senior Vice President for Manufacturing at Stratasys. "Furthermore, the integrity of parts printed from digital files is absolutely essential, and we have established the ProtectAM solution to be a world-class security solution to continue the adoption of AM by government agencies, and ultimately to commercial segments as well."

For more information contact:

Stratasys Ltd.

7665 Commerce Way

Eden Prairie, MN 55344

877-489-9449 / 952-937-3000

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