MAC's headquarters in Elmsford, NY, is an ISO 9001-2015 certified manufacturing and engineering facility.

MAC 25 mm ultrasonic rotary tester for inspecting bar or tube.

MAC's original 60 Hz electromagnetic tester was used to detect cracks in cold drawn bar. Shown at Union Draw Steel in 1936.
Magnetic Analysis Corp. (MAC) is celebrating its 95th anniversary, a milestone that commemorates nearly a century of service to the metals industry.
The company, which was founded in a small facility in Long Island City, NY, in 1928, is a provider of nondestructive testing. Today, operating on an international scale, MAC helps metal manufacturers around the world meet demanding specifications for eddy current, ultrasonic, phased array ultrasonic and flux leakage test systems, along with application specific material handling.
"The 95-year milestone is a testament to MAC's longstanding dedication to customer service and technological advancement. As we celebrate this anniversary, we focus on tomorrow's opportunities," said Dudley Boden, MAC's President and CEO. "Testing demands placed on the metals industry will undoubtedly become more exacting and complex throughout the next five years, but the MAC team is dedicated-as we always have been-to meeting the high-quality standards of our customers and staying one step ahead of the curve."
Joseph Baldauff, MAC's Vice President of Technology, said, "Our continual upgrading of existing products and solutions reflects MAC's ongoing commitment to delivering innovative, powerful and robust solutions for NDT applications. Our success and longevity are due in part to the advanced capabilities we have brought to the market for nearly a century."
MAC's nondestructive test systems can be found testing wire, tube and parts in mills throughout the world. Three facilities form the backbone of the company: MAC's ISO 9001-2015 certified manufacturing and engineering headquarters in Elmsford, NY; a manufacturing and ISO/IEC 17025:2017 laboratory-certified plant in Boardman, OH; and Magnetic Analysis Nordic's manufacturing plant in Östersund, Sweden.
For more information contact:
Magnetic Analysis Corporation
103 Fairview Park Drive
Elmsford, NY 10523-1544