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Optimized Medical CAM Solutions

OPEN MIND Technologies offers hyperMILL MEDICAL CAM Solutions for demanding medical manufacturing applications.

"Medical manufacturers producing a high mix of parts will especially benefit from the automated CAM programming offered in hyperMILL MEDICAL CAM Solutions," said a company spokesperson. "Also, optimized toolpaths in the program protect machines and tools, enable safe and efficient processes and ensure high surface finish qualities."

The hyperMILL Program offers efficient toolpath programming for implants and other complex medical components. "Whether titanium bone plates, PEEK intervertebral implants, forged dies for the production of hip stems or sliding components made of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) in knee prostheses, hyperMILL enables top-quality surface finishes, minimizing the need for finishing by ensuring optimized transitions between different part sections with a high level of complexity," said the spokesperson.

A key feature of hyperMILL MEDICAL CAM Solutions is the tool database with interfaces to most of the standard products from leading tool manufacturers. Special tools can also be mapped in the tool database. Having the ability to select suitable tools and cutting parameters for programming toolpaths with 2.5D, 3D or 5-axis strategies increases productivity, especially when machining challenging materials such as titanium, cobalt-chromium alloys or temperature-sensitive plastics, including UHMWPE for medical applications.

hyperMILL MEDICAL CAM Solutions is particularly suited when machining needs to accommodate for patient-specific adjustments and various standard sizes and part families. The hyperMILL AUTOMATION CENTER feature in the program allows users to define and standardize CAD/CAM processes. This includes the specification of steps for data preparation and programming, right up to simulation and NC program generation. Once this has been done, the process is deployed and carried out on new components automatically. This makes it possible to automatically prepare and program machining projects.

For more information contact:

OPEN MIND Technologies USA, Inc.

1492 Highland Ave., Unit 3

Needham, MA 02492


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