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Eco-Designed Machining Lubricant

CONDAT offers its eco-designed machining lubricant engineered to reduce consumption.

CONDACOOL 220 BBF is based on a synthetic lubricant and ingredients of renewable origin. This lubricant protects operators due to its boron-free, formaldehyde-free and allergenic bactericide-free formula. It also has a high detergent power, which limits its carryover onto workpieces and swarf. This soluble machining oil also has excellent resistance to foaming and long-lasting robustness, so companies can concentrate on producing parts rather than managing cutting fluid baths, the company reported.

CONDACOOL 220 BBF features and benefits:

  • Less foaming
  • Fewer curative treatments
  • Improved release of foreign oils
  • Longer life for baths.

For more information contact:


250 South Industrial Drive

Saline, MI 48176


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