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Portable Sump Cleaner with Increased Vacuum Flow Rate

The improved line of Eriez sump cleaners, powered by increased vacuum flow rates that generate up to 110 gallons per minute of suction to eliminate sludge and chips, cut sump cleanout time by 75% when compared to other standard, more labor-intensive cleaning methods, Eriez reported.

"When a machine center is shut down for cleaning, this can be an eight-hour task," said Clay O'Dana, Senior Technical Sales Representative. "Operators have to pull the machine apart to gain access to sumps to remove sludge, chips and coolant. A large chunk of that time is spent removing coolant with a submersible pump running at about 10 gallons per minute and then shoveling out the chips manually. On the other hand, an Eriez sump cleaner will clean a typical CNC machine tool sump of sludge in just about 10 to 20 minutes, including thoroughly rinsing everything down."

Eriez portable sump cleaners remove the cutting fluid, sludge and chips from the sump, filter the sludge and chips from the fluid and return the filtered fluid to the sump or transport it to a coolant recycling system for processing. Eriez offers sump cleaners ranging from 50 gallons (189 liters) to 1,000 gallons (3,780 liters) capacity. The innovative design of the Eriez sump cleaner features a discharge nozzle that can be used like a pressure washer to rinse out extra troublesome sludge and break it apart for removal.

According to O'Dana, "The Eriez portable sump cleaner 120V base unit has the most suction on the market at 85 gallons per minute. With a greater volume of air movement, sludge and chips move more efficiently with less labor. Besides the higher vacuum flow rate, a sump cleaner from Eriez offers a quick and easy chip hopper cleanout procedure with a trap door function and a large cleaning port. This design speeds and simplifies the process of flushing debris out of the sump cleaner while also preventing cross contamination which can occur in situations where multiple types of cutting fluids are used in the same facility." 

For more information contact:

Eriez Manufacturing Co.

2200 Asbury Road

Erie, PA 16506

800-345-4946 / 814-835-6000

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