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LubriSource Acquires Fluid Storage, Dispensing Line from The IFH Group

LubriSource, a company that provides automated lubrication equipment, system design and maintenance services to the industrial lubrication industry, has purchased The IFH Group's fluid storage and dispensing product line. As a result, the product line will now be sold under the LubriSource Fluid Handling and Dispensing (LSFH) brand name.

"We are a longtime distributor of the former IFH line, so we already have the technical expertise, knowledge and service infrastructure to support it," said LubriSource President Angela Morrow. "The product segment is complementary to the maintenance and system design services we currently provide to the industrial lubrication industry, so we see this as a win-win for all customers."

The LSFH product line includes several standard storage and dispensing systems for oils and industrial fluids. Customized designs are also available. New and improved fire-safety kits are engineered to meet insurance requirements.

"The systems are safer, cleaner and more cost-effective than traditional 55-gallon drum storage," said a spokesperson. "For example, nine 55-gallon drums containing 495 gallons of fluid would require 120 sq. ft. of floor space. However, a nine-container LSFH Fluid Handling and Dispensing system holding 585 gallons of fluids requires only 19 sq. ft. of floor space." It also offers a spill containment system and sight gauges for inventory control.

The product line also includes mobile fluid handling carts, so 15-, 30- and 65-gallon containers can be easily transported between lube sites, allowing users to handle more in a single trip and keep spills confined to the cart base drip pan.

For more information contact:

LubriSource, Inc.

2900 Cincinnati Dayton Road

Middletown, OH 45044


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