9000 Series Control with User-Friendly Features
December 1, 2020

The Milltronics 9000 Series control features 120 GB disk storage, 4 GB memory, up to 10x better graphic performance, mid-travel tactile keys and a large 15" LCD touchscreen. The Windows-based platform offers user-friendly Milltronics features such as the G-code visualization screen. The 9000 Series control is standard on nearly all of the 38 Milltronics CNC models.
"Milltronics USA, Inc. is constantly refining its integrated control to simplify operation, shorten set-up times and provide features that reduce cycle times," said a company spokesperson. The 9000 Series control features 120 GB disk storage, 4 GB memory, up to 10x better graphic performance, mid-travel tactile keys, and a 15" LCD touchscreen. The Windows-based platform offers all the user-friendly features that Milltronics customers are used to, such as the G-code visualization screen.
"With easy programming, on-screen help, intuitive menus, color graphics and prompted tool settings, the Milltronics 9000 Series control helps new operators train faster and become more productive sooner," said the spokesperson. "More advanced operators appreciate features that allow quick and confident operation of the CNC." These features include:
- Solid model graphics allow operators to see a completed part prior to cutting. "Unlike some other controls, Milltronics intertwines its graphics with the motion system so the operator sees exactly what the machine is going to do-not just a picture of the part," said the spokesperson.
- Handwheel run allows the operator to run a program in a controlled mode where motion only occurs while the handwheel is turning-allowing the operator to verify programs with total control.
- Mid-program restart allows the operator to start anywhere in a program by verifying the graphics and then switching to Run Mode-no need for G&M code expertise.
- The 9000 control features an Intel Dual Core i5 64-bit processor and high-speed motion control that can execute up to 3,000 blocks per second.
- "Milltronics utilizes a complex Feed Forward error correction algorithm that reduces inaccuracy caused by corner rounding and following error without compromising speed and also includes true S curve acceleration and jerk correction-essential ingredients for high speed machining," said the spokesperson.
- The Chip Boss Productivity feature of the Milltronics 9000 control uses proprietary algorithms to calculate toolpaths and control the maximum allowable cutter engagement, resulting in faster cycle times, better tool life and more accurate parts. It uses trochoidal milling strategies with deeper depths of cut and smaller step overs and includes Rest Roughing-saving even more time because Chip Boss automatically calculates the areas to be machined and uses a smaller cutter to get just those areas that cannot be cut with a larger tool.
- Milltronics Shop View (MSV) is a Productivity feature that allows users to access machine status and collect usage and diagnostic data per Industry 4.0. MSV is hosted in the cloud and can be accessed with a PC, tablet or smartphone.
- The Bi-Direction Conversational Turning Cycle is another Productivity feature. It is designed to improve productivity by up to 60%, increase tool life, improve surface finish, and improve turning speed and efficiency while taking advantage of the latest insert technology.
For more information contact:
Milltronics USA, Inc.
1400 Mill Lane
Waconia, MN 55387
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