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Surface Plate Calibration System

Hamar Laser Instruments, Inc. offers its L-703SP .

"The L-703SP is a compact geometry laser-based calibration system that is highly repeatable, offers high resolution and accuracy, easy set-up and training and fast data collection," said a company spokesperson. "R&D and field testing have shown that the L-703SP significantly reduces the time for calibrating surface plates by 30-60% versus conventional methods."

During the design process, Hamar Laser worked with a calibration laboratory to find out what was most frustrating and time-consuming with the lab's existing methods.

"One of the biggest problems the lab faced with electronic levels was poor repeatability between technicians," said Rod Hamar, President of Hamar Laser Instruments. "So, we not only worked on creating the best laser and measuring target we could, but we also invested a lot of time on the supporting fixtures to make the L-703SP as repeatable as possible and as fast as possible. In our testing on a 4x6-foot plate, we are seeing overall flatness repeatability of about 20x over the A-grade plate tolerance according to the ASME B89.3.7 standard, Granite Surface Plates."

The spokesperson added, "The L-703SP System offers many advantages over conventional methods. It is 30-40% faster than electronic levels, more rugged and reliable and more repeatable from one tech to the next. In addition, the L-703SP is set up directly on surface plates, so each line segment set-up is much easier than autocollimators and laser interferometers, which require floor mounting and touchy set-ups. This results in 50-60% faster plate calibrations and, unlike these devices, does not require re-taking data if the laser beam is broken."

Hamar said: "This is a very exciting new metrology market for us. With its many distinct advantages, our L-703SP will help high-volume calibration companies significantly increase the number of calibrations they can do annually, and it will also help internal calibration and metrology departments to streamline their processes."

The L-703SP System uses Hamar Laser's newly designed next-generation L-703S Spindle and Straightness Laser and T-1297 3-Axis Wireless Straightness Target. Compact and lightweight, the laser is suited for high-resolution straightness applications, such as surface plates, machine tool guideways and spindle axes. The T-1297 target features a super-linear, 2-axis Position-Sensitive Detector (PSD) with resolution of 10 µin. (0.25 µm) and mechanical repeatability of ±10 µin. (±0.25 µm).

The L-703SP features new Windows-based Plane6 Surface Plate Calibration Software offers an easy-to-follow, 3-step calibration procedure and built-in tolerance table that speeds set-up and data-taking and generates a full-color report. The system also includes the A-703SP-LM Laser Mounting Fixture, A-703SP-SE Straight Edge and Ruler, A-1297-SP High-Accuracy Flatness-Measuring Base, and A-703SP-SE-CLT Corner and Mid-Point Locating Tool. The laser and target are powered by Li-Ion rechargeable batteries with 14+ hours of life and use Bluetooth wireless communication.

For resurfacing surface plates, the L-703SP also features the Lapping Spot-Checker, a time-saving feature allowing users to spot-check the flatness of any line segment in the Moody plot without having to take data for the entire plate. This can save time when having to lap-in a plate that is out of calibration.

The L-703SP is the latest in an expanding line of applications using Hamar Laser's compact and versatile next-generation L-703 Laser and replaces Hamar Laser's L-740 System for surface plate applications. In addition to surface plate calibration and flatness, the L-703SP System measures surface vertical and horizontal straightness, axis vertical and horizontal straightness, and guideway vertical and horizontal straightness.

For more information contact:

Hamar Laser Instruments, Inc.

5 Ye Olde Road

Danbury, CT 06810

800-826-6185 / 203-730-4600

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