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January 2023

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6K Additive Expands Powder Manufacturing Capacity
9T Labs Partners with Purdue University
Alro Steel Adds Jumbo 24 Inch Tube Laser
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Fortna and MHS Global Merge
Simulation Tool to Improve 3D Printing Build Quality
Hitachi Acquires Flexware Innovation
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Lakeshore Fastener Group Acquires Hodges Fastener Corporation
Self-Learning Robots and Automated Finishing Solutions
Remote Monitoring of Inspection Activities
Materialise Acquires Identify3D
Methods Machine Tools Opens New Location in Southern California
Motion Ai Opens New Facility in Minnesota
Precise Slide Guide Motion Control
Grinding Machine Manufacturer Adopts NUMs Flexium plus CNC Technology
Medbio Implements Cloud-Based Quality Control and Analytics Solution
Pride Solutions Celebrates 20th Anniversary
RDI Technologies Acquires Fastec Imaging
Custom Core Pins Punches Blades and Sleeves
Custom Battery Enclosures Ensure Safety Energy Efficiency
Threading Software Module for Controlled Chip Breaking
Smart Vision Lights Introduces 48-Hour Shipping Program
SME Education Foundation Supports SME PRIME Schools with Sustainability Grants
Solar Atmospheres Acquires Vac-Met Inc.
Solar Atmospheres of California Adds Sikorsky Approval
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Wildeck Begins Move to New Waukesha WI Location
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Motion Ai Opens New Facility in Minnesota

Motion Industries, Inc., a distributor of maintenance, repair and operation replacement parts and a provider of industrial technology solutions, has announced Motion Ai's new and extensive facility located at 7350 Golden Triangle Drive, Eden Prairie, MN, 55344.

As an industrial automation solution provider, Motion Ai needed a larger space for its growing business. The new 105,000 sq. ft. premises features a gain of 55,000 sq. ft. over the old location, which was also in Eden Prairie. The larger space allows for integrated use, including a regional sales and support center, classrooms for employee and customer training, a regional fulfillment center, assembly and fabrication shops, a proof-of-concept design area and engineering labs for customer product and demonstration engagement.

Motion Ai capabilities at this facility include large conveyor system builds, complete automation system builds, robotic and machine vision solutions, expanded pneumatic and machine control solutions, machining, welding and more comprehensive value-added offerings.

"We wanted to meet the growing demands of our customers and the industry by growing every facet of automation and robotics solutions," said Aurelio Banda, Motion's Senior Vice President, Automation Intelligence. "Our investments allow for future, incremental expansion within our structure up to 30% beyond our current growth plans. This will also allow us to add employees over time."

Randy Breaux, President of Motion, said, "Opening this state-of-the-art automation facility represents just one more way we anticipate our customers' needs in production efficiency across virtually all industry sectors. This is an important step in our long-term growth strategy, and we are excited to see the upward trajectory of technological innovation and services that the new Motion Ai location will support."

Motion Ai will hold an open house at the new facility in Spring 2023.

For more information contact:

Motion Ai

7350 Golden Triangle Drive

Eden Prairie, MN 55344


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